
Welcome to my artistic endeavor. Angel is my name, but some people also just call me Megs. For more information or nifty eye candy, feel free to check out my gallery at:

Tuesday 16 July 2013

What is Art?

My Communications teacher was talking to me about art about a year ago.  He brought up an interesting question that -I'm sure - people have been arguing about for centuries.  Pleasantly so, we shared the same point of view, though it took me some time to realize it.

The bulk of the conversation comes down to one question.
What is Art?

Personally, simple answers are usually the best ones, but often people that spend too much time in school enjoy complicating things.  I saw this mentality first hand in University.  People love dancing around the notion that they're right simply because they spent an exorbitant amount of money to get a piece of paper.  This paper allows particularly conceited persons certain privileges over their perceived underlings.

The simple truth is that one answer won’t represent everyone, because all humans view their reality in a certain way.  However, I think some intellectuals feel it necessary to exacerbate a single thing.  As a result, people will feud over a mere idea.

Art is a form of self expression.  From an artist’s soul to the marketing campaigns on the television, art expresses the self.  The self doesn’t have to be a single person, mind you.  A large company desires to get out into the world to share its vision just as much as a person wants to show their heart.

In effect, marketing may as well just be a combination of psychology and art.  That’s a topic for another day though.

So, to state my opinion, contrary to popular belief, the creative world isn’t an exclusive club with a mysterious purpose.  Anyone can pick up a pencil and draw.  The only difference is perception.

My perception of art is based on the simple concept of a Stickman, but I don’t draw with intent beyond that.  In fact, my whole purpose is to let people infer whatever they please from my work.  This was there are no wrong interpretations and  no one has to feel inferior as a result.

The true response is that art is only what you make of it.

Angel and the Stickmen

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